• 5 Steps Smart Sellers Take to Generate Multiple Offers,Haydn Halsted

    5 Steps Smart Sellers Take to Generate Multiple Offers

    Home sales (and values) have been on a strong uptick nationwide thanks to low interest rates, freer lending standards and a drop in the foreclosure rate. Sellers everywhere are breathing a giant, collective sigh of relief! But for all of the buyer activity, it seems like most houses sit on one end o

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  • 6 Signs A Home Might Be "The One",Haydn Halsted

    6 Signs A Home Might Be "The One"

    You might have heard that saying about the number of fish there are in the sea – the sea of prospective dates and mates. The same goes for homes on the market. Even when the market heats up as it's doing now, it's not uncommon for a buyer to visit 10, 20 or even more homes before finding the propert

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  • 5 Secret Sources of Down Payment Money,Haydn Halsted

    5 Secret Sources of Down Payment Money

    Whether you are planning to put down a full 20 percent or pulling together the cash for a 3.5 percent down payment for an FHA loan, your down payment might be the biggest single cash expenditure you ever make. Some scrimp and save for years, while others can ready the cash with less difficulty, but

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