▢ Get moving quotes if you are planning on using a professional mover.
▢ If you need a rental truck for a "do-it-yourself-move," contact a rental company.
▢ Visually prepare or design a floor plan for your furniture in your new home.
▢ Create a list for inventory of your belongings. This is helpful in preparing a garage or moving sale.
▢ Keep all of your paperwork concerning the move in one file, so nothing is lost or misplaced.
▢ Transfer all school records for your children.
▢ Finalize your decision on a mover.
▢ If time permits, prepare your new home for arrival.
▢ Consider your children in the move. Plan ahead and visit our moving with kids guide.

▢ Change your address.
▢ Change you address with the IRS.
▢ Make any travel arrangements where you will need an airline, train, hotel, bus or car rental.
▢ Research the area into which you will be moving for clubs, civic organizations and churches, so that you can change your membership.
▢ Contact medical and dental offices to receive records, asking these professionals for referrals and continuing prescriptions.
▢ If necessary, establish a new checking account.
▢ Research local laws about home-based businesses and business licenses if you own or operate your own business.
▢ Arrange for your pets to be transported.
▢ Use up or finish and discard household items so that there is less to pack and move.

▢ Forward your magazines and newspapers to your new address.
▢ Contact all of your utilities and change your service to your new address.
▢ Organize those helping you on the day of the move.
▢ Confirm all travel reservations you have made.
▢ If moving appliances, make sure they are inspected before the move.
▢ Pack all clean clothing.
▢ If necessary, close your bank accounts, making sure you have ample cash for the move. The remainder of the funds should be transferred to your new bank.
▢ Keep important documents and valuables close at hand during the move.
▢ Prepare for the move of any infant or small children.
▢ Review your insurance policy for coverage during your move.
▢ Provide relatives with your travel information.
▢ Defrost your freezer and refrigerator.

▢ Do a final walk through of the home to make sure all of your belongings have been removed.
▢ Be sure to take control of all personal items that are valuable or important to you during the move.

Quite affordable.
So you aspire to move to Spokane. This is a wise decision and you are not alone. There are hundreds of people planning to moving to Spokane from different parts of the country. From housing, growing economy, cost of living, awesome neighborhoods, Spokane has so much to offer.